Signs you’ll only ever see in Texas

Whether you know it as the Lone Star State or as the second largest state in the United States, it’s fair to say that Texas is kind of a big deal. Known for its iconic shape and its impressive conglomeration of culture, millions of people make their way to Texas every single year. They get to check out the desert, the rodeos, the food, and so much more. However, if we were to write up the Texas guidebook, we’d put these signs you’ll only ever see in Texas as one of the best attractions.

[post_page_title]The world is doomed[/post_page_title]

The people of Texas certainly have strong views about the world, and it seems as though this catering company just couldn’t keep their thoughts in when it came to Brotox. Not that we blame them. Every day, these guys like to change up their sign so that it entertains those who walk or drive past it.

We can imagine that those people who were slightly worried about the state of the world were even more worried when they saw this sign. The end may be near, but at least men who get Brotox will be wrinkle-free.

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